
About cynthiabandurek

Cynthia is an ecologist, naturalist and wildlife photographer, with a big passion for conservation, and visual storytelling. Editor contributing for Paws Trails Magazine, and author of the book "The world of small. An approach of the universe from an artistic, vusual and evolutionary perspective". She gives workshops of photography and macrophotography.

Shadows and Silence: The Intricacies of Spotting Wildlife in Tropical Jungles

A prevalent misconception exists surrounding tropical jungles, often leading visitors to arrive with misguided expectations. Many individuals mistakenly believe that the rich biodiversity of these regions guarantees abundant wildlife sightings akin to those in a zoo. However, the truth

2024-02-08T18:40:38+00:00By |Categories: Tales from the Jungle. Curiosities|

Nature’s Embrace: An Everlasting Journey Through Art – Paws Trails Explorers Magazine

From the depths of my childhood, a profound sensitivity to the wonders of the natural world has always coursed through my veins. It’s an inexplicable connection that, since my earliest days, has ignited a deep resonance within me whenever

2024-01-03T14:02:58+00:00By |Categories: News, Press|