
In this race for survival, some of our players developed the ability to go unnoticed both to their predators, in some cases, as to their preys, in others. This capability, which allows them to complete their life cycle to many of them, is called crypsis or cryptic coloration, and gives the individual the power to blend in with their surroundings.  Such capability has amazing variants. There are individuals who can resemble objects from their own surrounding area, which is called homomorfía (same form, same shape). Others can take advantage of the colorful environment to take from them identical visual patterns, such property is described under the name of homocromía (same color).

Here is an example, these stick bugs use a this strategy to go unnoticed and avoid predators. They have the same texture and coloration as the environment where they live. The moss and lichens. Really difficult to find…

Katydids display remarkable adaptations for defense, a consequence in part of their generally poor flying ability, which leaves them highly vulnerable to predation. Cryptically coloured species, which blend in with the environment, rely primarily on the mimicry of vegetation. This one precisely mimics the discoloration of a dead leaf.

A moth blending with the dry leaf in the leaf litter.

A tarantula spider, with the same color that the ground of the jungle has.