We often perceive symbiotic relationships, like mutualism, as something “poetic” or “romantic,” so to speak, where different species engage in a sort of trade. Take, for example, the intriguing case of the ant-acacia and the acacia trees, where ants provide protection in exchange for shelter and food. However, nature’s intricacies challenge our simplistic notions, reminding us that what appears on the surface may not always align with reality.

The symbiotic relationship begins when a newly mated queen is enticed by the scent emitted by the tree and establishes her nest within the sizeable hollow thorns of the acacia. The queen chews into the thorn to lay 15–20 eggs, thereby initiating the first generation of worker ants. As the colony expands, more of these bulbous thorns become inhabited. Once the colony reaches a population of around 400 individuals, the ants take on the role of gardeners.
In their capacity as gardeners, these ants fiercely defend the acacia against creatures of all sizes that are drawn to its leaves. They combat insects like crickets and deliver stinging attacks to the heads of mammals. Even other plants, such as epiphytic vines, are repelled, and the mere presence of an unfamiliar scent can trigger the ants to swarm toward potential threats. Furthermore, the ants diligently scout the area surrounding the tree for seedlings and ruthlessly eliminate any competing plants they encounter.
In return for these protective services, the acacia tree has evolved to produce nectar that is rich in sugar and amino acids from specialized glands at the base of its leaves. Additionally, the tips of the leaves develop Beltian bodies, which are small, nutrient-packed structures containing oils and proteins.

Until here, all sounds perfect, right? But nature is always more complex and there is a world we still need to learn about it.
In recent studies, scientists discovered that what seems a peaceful relationship in fact hides a story not so bright. Research has revealed that the sugary treats produced by the tree contain an enzyme that hinders the ants from consuming alternative sugar sources.
A single taste of this concoction effectively condemns the insects to a life of involuntary labor.

The report demonstrates how the force of evolution sustains cooperative relationships between certain species, even when it’s evident that one party is primarily enjoying the advantages of the arrangement.
The majority of sugary substances consumed by ants, like plant sap, contain a type of sugar known as sucrose. Ants process sucrose using an enzyme called invertase, which breaks down sucrose into smaller sugar molecules.
Researchers demonstrated that none of the worker ants belonging to the (Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus) species possess invertase activity, rendering them unable to digest typical sucrose sources.
Thankfully, the tree counterbalances this limitation by releasing invertase within its nectar, thereby offering the ants a pre-digested meal. Consequently, the ants exhibit a preference for acacia nectar over alternative sugar sources.
Acacia nectar contains chitinase enzymes that effectively inhibit invertase activity. Once the worker ants mature from pupae into adults, their invertase is permanently disabled upon their initial consumption of nectar.

What might initially seem like a friendly relationship appears to be a clever manipulation orchestrated by the acacia tree to enhance its control over ant dependence.
In this scenario, the tree’s manipulation guarantees that the ants are compelled to protect it, as it represents their sole source of nourishment. Their destinies are intricately linked to their proficiency as guardians.
Hola Cynthia: Gracias por compartir estos conocimientos y las hermosas fotos.