
About cynthiabandurek

Cynthia is an ecologist, naturalist and wildlife photographer, with a big passion for conservation, and visual storytelling. Editor contributing for Paws Trails Magazine, and author of the book "The world of small. An approach of the universe from an artistic, vusual and evolutionary perspective". She gives workshops of photography and macrophotography.

Cynthia Bandurek. Moving From School to the Museum – Aves Argentinas magazine

Tracing some of the Escuela Argentina de Naturalistas (Argentina Naturalists School – EAN) graduates, we arrive at the historic and prestigious Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’ in order to discover the work of Cynthia Bandurek, someone who

2020-10-23T16:02:06+00:00By |Categories: News, Press, Published Works|